Mescaline is a psychedelic compound derived from several species of cacti, most notably the Peyote cactus found in parts of Mexico and southwestern United States. These cacti have a long history of use as part of religious rites and rituals for hundreds of years within these regions. Mescaline can also be produced synthetically as a liquid or powder and swallowed in capsules.
Mescaline has classic psychedelic effects, including visual hallucinations and altered thinking. However, similarly to MDMA, it belongs to the phenylethylamine chemical family, unlike LSD and psilocybin, which are tryptamines. Drugs belonging to the phenylethylamine chemical family are typically empathogens, meaning they increase feelings of empathy and emotional openness.
Potential positive effects include euphoria, a dream-like state of perception, laughter; tranquility; relaxation; feeling in touch with the spiritual; empathy and sociability enhancement. (Guide)(Psychonaut Wiki)
Potential neutral effects include a heightened sense of hearing, time distortion, visual hallucinations, objects appearing as “drifting” and “flowing”, geometric visual hallucinations and synesthesia. (Psychonaut Wiki)
Potential negative effects include feeling lethargic and groggy, nausea, increased suggestibility, paranoia, confused thought and anxiety. (Erowid)
A person may experience physical effects that include increased heart rate; increased body temperature; perspiration; pupil dilation; disruption of reflexes; muscle weakness; increased blood pressure; and contractions of the intestines and uterus. (Erowid)
Normal dosages for mescaline in the form of powder pill/ liquid (Psychonaut Wiki)
Light dose: 100-200mg
Moderate / common dose: 200-400mg
Strong dose: 500+ mg:
Dosage recommendations for mescaline in form of peyote cactus (5)
Light: 3-6 mid-sized buttons/ 50-100g (fresh cactus), 10-20g (dried cactus)
Common: 6-12 buttons/ 100-150g (fresh), 20-30g (dried)
Strong: 8-16 buttons/ 150-200g (fresh), 30-40g (dried)
Heavy: 15+ buttons/ 200g+ (fresh), 40g+ (dried)
A traditional Native American peyote ceremony, held within a tipi. (Getty)
Onset: 45-90 minutes
Come up: 45-90 minutes
Peak: 4-6 hours
Offset: 2-3 hours
Total duration: 8-14 hours (Psychonaut Wiki)
Aftereffects: 6-36 hours
NB: Duration will be longer when ingested in the form of peyote cactus as the digestive tract needs to first break down the cactus material. Due to the disturbance of the cactus material on the stomach it is recommended for this form of ingestion to take 2 half doses 30 minutes apart.
What not to mix with
There are no well-controlled scientific experiments which determine mescaline drug interactions, however, in general, drug mixing increases risks and should always be done with precaution.
Antidepressants: There is little known about the combination between antidepressants and mescaline. Some people have proposed that because both drugs increase the action of serotonin, using them in combination could increase the risk of adverse reactions relating to serotonin’s effect on the nervous system. However, there is no evidence for this risk.
Stimulants: As mescaline increases heart rate and blood pressure,combining mescaline with stimulants may increase the risk of cardiovascular arrest. Furthermore, stimulants may increase risk of anxiety, paranoia and thought loops.
Cannabis: Cannabis can increase the effects of psychedelics, which can have an unpredictable outcome that may be disturbing.
Risky behaviours and impulsive decision-making: As mental coordination whilst under the influence of drugs is impaired, this can lead to somebody doing something dangerous or deadly. Impaired judgement and false-senses of certainty may also mean people under the influence make decisions they later regret.
What are the dangers?
Potential physical harms: The lethal dose of mescaline is well above the commonly used dose range, and reported toxic effects are rare. However, a recent study found clinically relevant physical side effects following mescaline, which included severe headache, fatigue, and nosebleeds.
Experiencing a psychedelic crisis, risk of psychosis and Hallucinogenic Perception Persisting Disorder: General risks for all psychedelics apply. Read more under our general psychedelic risks and harm-reduction section of our website.d harm-reduction advice.
Serotonin Syndrome: Consuming stimulants or drugs which act on the serotonin system, together with LSD, increases the risk of serotonin syndrome. Read more under our general psychedelic risks and harm-reduction section of our website. advice.
Foetal abnormalities: One study linked fetal abnormalities to a group of peyote users. Although this doesn’t prove mescaline causes issues in pregnancy, it shows that the two factors could be linked so there is an increased risk. Although the this doesn’t necessarily mean mescaline causes issues in pregnancy, it shows there is a risk. Taking psychoactive drugs whilst pregnant should be avoided.
Impairments in memory and problem solving: One study found mescaline impaired memory and problem solving abilities in rats. However this was at very high doses and when mescaline was given repeatedly so it is unknown whether a similar effect would occur in humans.
Risky behaviours and impulsive decision-making: As mental coordination whilst under the influence of drugs is impaired, this can lead to somebody doing something dangerous or deadly. Impaired judgement and false-senses of certainty may also mean people under the influence make decisions that wouldn’t otherwise if they were sober which can lead to negative outcomes.
How can the risks be minimised?
Be aware of and avoid using drugs alongside mescaline which may increase the risk for physical harm. You can see which mescaline combinations may be unsafe using the Trip Sitter drug interaction table.
Having the correct set and setting will likely decrease the risk of a psychedelic crisis, read more under general psychedelic risks and harm-reduction advice.
Avoiding long-term regular use will decrease long-term risks such as potential impairments which problem-solving and memory skills.
A safe environment with a trusted trip-sitter can help reduce the risk of negative outcomes caused by impulsive decision-making and behaviours linked to impaired judgement.
What are the potential benefits?
Scientific research has investigated the therapeutic potential of mescaline to treat:
Alcoholism: Mescaline is used by the Native American church to treat alcoholism. Although there has been no clinical studies to test this, mescaline may be a promising therapy.
Depression: One study found psychedelic users, including mescaline, had decreased suicidal thoughts. Therefore mescaline may help alleviate symptoms of depression.
Anxiety: A study found lifetime mescaline use was linked to decreased occurrence of agoraphobia, which is a symptom of anxiety disorder.
Weblinks & Citations
Information about the different types of cactus which contain mescaline: https://www.zamnesia.com/content/698-mescaline-cacti#how-to-dose-mescaline-cacti-properly
Psychonaut wiki provides a comprehensive overview of mescaline including history and culture of peyote (mescaline containing cactus) uses, drug legality in different countries and drug pharmacology and chemistry: https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Mescaline
Erowid has lots of first hand information from mescaline users including trip reports and questions and answers: https://erowid.org/chemicals/mescaline/
Credit to Dr Andrew Gibson for contributing his medical expertise and background in harm-reduction to the process of making this content.