5-MeO-DMT is a psychedelic molecule that occurs naturally in the venom of the Bufo Alvarius toad and in small quantities in the seeds of Anadenathera peregrina, also known as yopo. Although 5-MeO-DMT is structurally similar to DMT, it is estimated to be around six times more potent, and the experience tends to be much less visual.
In recent years, ceremonies in which users smoke the dried venom of Bufo Alvarius under the facilitation of a guide, or shaman, have become increasingly popular. Some believe this ceremonial use of Bufo has a long history of indigenous use. However, the evidence for this claim is limited.
Smoking synthetic 5-MeO-DMT and Bufo venom induces a short-lasting but powerful trip in which users commonly report feeling a sense of transcendence and connection with the universe.
Positive effects can include feelings of unity, a sense of sacredness, amazement, feelings of peace and tranquility, and euphoria.
Neutral effects can include visual hallucinations, ineffability (inability to put an experience into words), loss of awareness of time and space, an encounter with ‘ultimate reality, and dissolving the ego.
Negative effects can include panic, fear of insanity, feeling as if dying, and feelings of grief.
Physical effects can include a small decrease in heart rate, pupil dilation, muscle shaking and spasms, loss of muscle coordination, and nausea.
Dosage for pure smoked 5-MeO-DMT
Light dose: 2-3 milligrams (mg)
Moderate dose: 4-7 mg
High dose: 8-12 mg
Dosage for Bufo Alvarius secretion
Light dose: 10-20 milligrams (mg)
Moderate dose: 20-40 mg
High dose: 40-60 mg
Dosages for Yopo Seeds
There is little known about the dosages required for ingesting 5-MeO-DMT from yopo seeds. However, online sources suggest that six seeds are an average dose.
Duration for smoking
Onset: 5-60 seconds
Peak: 5-15 minutes after smoking
Total duration: 20 minutes
After effects: 15- 30 minutes
Duration for insufflation (snorting) yopo seeds
Peak: 20-30 minutes after insufflation
Total duration: 45-60
What not to mix with
Potential physical harms: In a recent study assessing the safety of 5-MeO-DMT, the researchers found no clinically significant physical side effects. However, some participants reported headaches, nausea, and blurred vision. Participants also had increased heart rate following 5-MeO-DMT, which increased with increasing doses.
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors and other antidepressants: Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) are drugs that stop the chemical messenger serotonin from being broken down. They are used medically to treat depression and in preparations of ayahuasca to prolong the effects of DMT-containing plants.
5-MeO-DMT increases the action of serotonin in the nervous system, meaning when combined with MAOIs or other drugs which increase serotonin action, such as SSRIs, this increases the risk of adverse effects related to too much serotonin in the nervous system (serotonin syndrome).
In one study, researchers found that combining 5-MeO-DMT and the MAOI harmaline caused hyperthermia in rats.
CYP450 inhibitors: 5-MeO-DMT is broken down in the nervous system by an enzyme protein belonging to the CYP40 family. Therefore, 5-MeO-DMT may interact with other drugs that are also broken down by CYP40 enzymes, such as statins, warfarin, and certain anti-epileptic drugs.
What are the dangers?
Experiencing a psychedelic crisis, risk of psychosis and Hallucinogenic Perception Persisting Disorder: General risks for all psychedelics apply. Read more under our general psychedelic risks and harm-reduction section of our website.
Serotonin Syndrome: Consuming stimulants or drugs which act on the serotonin system, together with 5-MeO-DMT, increases the risk of serotonin syndrome. Read more under our general psychedelic risks and harm-reduction section of our website.
Risky behaviors and impulsive decision-making: As mental coordination whilst under the influence of drugs is impaired, this can lead to somebody doing something dangerous or deadly.
Difficulty “landing”: After experiencing profound changes in one’s sense of reality, it can sometimes be difficult to return to everyday life. Challenging experiences and being unable to understand or express the experience can leave people feeling isolated, confused, and distressed. Working with an integration coach or attending an integration circle can help people to make sense of their experience and ground back into everyday life.
Issues with sustainability: Although not a harm to one’s self, it’s important to note the sustainability issues with Bufo. As more people become interested in smoking the Bufo toad venom - the toad is becoming increasingly more at risk of extinction.
How can the risks be minimised?
Combining 5-MeO-DMT with serotonergic drugs or other outlined dangerous drugs could increase the risk of death. As such, drug combinations should be avoided.
If you’re considering attending a 5-MeO-DMT retreat or ceremony, it’s essential to do lots of research beforehand to choose the right one. This research should involve looking into legitimacy and reviews. You can learn more about choosing the right retreat and ceremony by reading the Facilitation section of our website.
Taking psychedelics in a safe environment with a trusted trip sitter or guide can help reduce the risk of negative outcomes caused by impulsive decision-making and behaviors linked to impaired judgment.
Because 5-MeO-DMT can induce extreme shifts in someone’s sense of reality, it’s a good idea for users to allow themselves time to relax and process their experience before going straight back to everyday life tasks, such as work or visiting the supermarket.
Integrating a psychedelic experience has the potential to resolve trauma relating to difficult psychedelic experiences. Integration can also help people process and learn-from psychedelic experiences. To learn more about integration and integration tools and tips, you can visit the “Psychedelic Integration” section of our website.
What are the potential benefits?
Evidence has suggested that 5-MeO-DMT could be effective in:
Treatment of depression
Treatment of anxiety
Because 5-MeO-DMT has been found to stimulate the growth of new nerve cells, it could be useful in diseases characterized by nerve cell death in the brain, such as stroke, or neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.
Information about attending a Bufo ceremony from a Bufo guide: https://www.psycom.net/psychedelic-toad-medicine
Information about yopo: https://greatist.com/live/yopo
Erowid - useful for looking at personal accounts of 5-MeO-DMT: https://erowid.org/chemicals/5meo_dmt/5meo_dmt.shtml
Hamilton’s Phamacopia: A fascinating documentary episode about the modern history and sustainability of Bufo
Five-MEO Education https://five-meo.education/
Credit to Dr Andrew Gibson for contributing his medical expertise and background in harm-reduction to the process of making this content.