The Psychedelic Society turns 10!
Photos from our epic 10th anniversary celebration at &Soul on 30 Nov 2024

We’re hiring! Seeking an Event Coordinator
We are looking for a self-motivated, organised, and enthusiastic events coordinator to join our team in the London area. You will oversee the scheduling, promotion, and administration of several events per month, as well as being a contact point for both event facilitators and participants.

Could psychedelics help us save the planet?
This is the first in a multi-part series in which we unpack our seven event categories and how they intersect with the use of psychedelics. First up, NATURE CONNECTION and how psychedelics may open up a door to a deeper relationship with the earth - and ourselves.

Transform Drug Policy Foundation publishes new guide on regulating psychedelics
In this piece we share the highlight of Transform Drug Policy Foundation’s recently published comprehensive guide to regulating psychedelics. The Foundation is a leading advocate in drug policy reform that has been providing expertise to governments and the public about alternative modes of drug regulation for over two decades.

Using psychedelics for pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder?
Roberta Jean is a critically acclaimed choreographer whose most recent performance, Ways of Being (Thursday, 9th, and Friday, 10th Nov, at Sadler Wells Lilian Baylis Studio, London) incorporates suffering related to premenstrual disorder (PMDD) and healing through psychedelics. In this piece we explore the evidence of microdosing to soothe this painful and life-disrupting disorder.

Could psychedelics be used to treat psychosis?
In psychedelic research today, people with a personal or family history of psychotic disorders can't participate in clinical trials, sadly excluding many who may need treatment most. But several researchers are investigating the potential of psychedelics to treat disorders like bipolar and schizophrenia. We investigate, what's the real relationship between psychedelics and psychosis?

DMT Research: Could the ‘Spirit Molecule’ help treat alcohol addiction?
A research group at University College London (UCL) aims to understand how DMT's psychological benefits could relate to brain activity changes and potential treatment of alcoholism and more.

We’re hiring! Seeking an experienced Social Media Manager
As we continue to grow and develop, we are seeking an experienced and enthusiastic social media manager to help us tell the unique story of what we offer and help us differentiate ourselves in the rapidly expanding psychedelic space.

Uniting Voices for Change: A Mass Lobby Against UK Drug Prohibition
Martha Allitt shares her reflections on Parliament Square protest to discuss UK drug policy reform. The event was the seventh mass lobby organised by Anyone's Child - a network of families with lives devastated by the harms of drug prohibition.

Was Vice News Another Victim of the War on Drugs?
JS Rafaeli is a former contributor to Vice News and the author of three widely acclaimed books, including the first history of the UK's war on drugs, "Drug Wars", and "Good Cop, Bad War." In this piece, he digs into the recent collapse of Vice News.

Do psychedelics really always ‘give us what we need’?
Jules Evans runs the Challenging Psychedelic Experience Project. In this post for us, he talks about the nuances and complexities of people’s relationships to bad trips. As Rick Doblin said this month, the backlash to psychedelics 'will come if we exaggerate the results and minimize the risks'.

The Great Return: Breaking Convention 2023
Breaking Convention 2023, Europe’s biggest (and in our opinion most important!) conference on Psychedelics is back!

Choosing to Survive: My Ayahuasca Journey through Eating Disorder Wounds
Martha Allitt of The Psychedelic Society team shares her recent personal experience with ayahuasca and the way it helped her reframe her relationship to her childhood eating disorder.

Peak psychedelic experiences: what they are, why they happen, and how they transform us
Recent evidence shows that the most healing properties of a psychedelic trip may have less to do with drug and dosage and more with people having what is known as ‘mystical experience’ on their trip. In this piece, Imperial College ecologist and research collaborator, Dr. Sam Gandy, PhD, examines the research behind mystical experiences and the conditions that encourage them.

A Case for Psychedelic Holisticism
In the psychedelic sphere, tensions between medicalisation, indigenous tradition, business, and advocacy are on the rise. As psychedelic mainstreaming rapidly unfolds, a move toward greater holisticism is key. In this post, we’ll look at the work of Gabriel Amezcua’s incredible work on holisticism and how these elements interact.

What helps with challenging psychedelic experiences?
A team of British psychologists is researching difficult psychedelic experiences and what helps people cope with them. If you’ve had a psychedelic experience that led to difficulties lasting beyond the trip itself, please take 15 minutes to fill in this anonymous survey.

Standing in the Tragic Gap
Parker J Palmer spoke of that the ability to stand in the ‘tragic gap’ (between cynicism and idealism) as one of the most important leadership qualities of our time.